On the right, the resulting low polygon mesh with loops around the mouth and eyes. Not sure I understand what you mean, sure, things like left mouse button is hardcoded but you can change/add a hotkey command for literary every button there is. On the left, guides created with the ZRemesher Guide brush and associated with a density variation. How do I enable edit mode in ZBrush Select big yellow S icon (tools panel), select a sphere, drag it out on canvas, then go to the far right panel and click Make Polymesh3D button, then you can click on Edit button on the top left panel. With a 3D mesh in Edit mode, press W (Move), E (Scale), or R (Rotate), then click and drag to draw the orange action line. To toggle between Gizmo 3D and the transpose line, press Y or click the Gizmo 3D button in the topbar to turn off the 3D Gizmo. the only thing that worked was Joseph Drust's Dynamesh Master. Note: Since ZBrush 4R8, the default transpose line has been replaced with the new Gizmo 3D. anyway, it seems ZBrush 4R8 really hates this mesh as every time I tried to use Dynamesh it deletes faces. The curves can, however be deleted by holding the Alt key and drawing another curve perpendicularly over the one you wish to delete. Zbrush has a button in the modify topology column called 'weld points' which will weld all the faces together and make the mesh watertight. In the Remesh All section, change the options according to your needs and press the Remesh All button to generate a new SubTool. Invisible/hidden SubTools won’t be used for this operation. To remesh one or more SubTools, go to the Tool > SubTool menu and make visible all SubTools which need to be remeshed. It is now in its third iteration and the later version that came with ZBrush 2019 (see our ZBrush 2019 review) is more advanced and better at doing retopology on hard-surface models.13 déc. ZBrush retopology methods Firstly we will look at a very simple method of auto retopology using something called ZRemesher.