BadCopy Pro can effectively recover and rescue corrupted or lost data from damaged, unreadable, formatted or defective disks. Digital media recovery from items such as SD, CF, xD, SmartMedia card, MemoryStick. BadCopy Pro v4.10 Build 1215 BadCopy Pro is the leading data recovery software for floppy disk, CD, DVD, memory card, Zip disk, USB flash drive and other storage media.Post-processing of recovered files and smart data filling technology.Rescue and recovery of files and data on floppy disk, Zip disk, CD, DVD and flash drive.
Last update N/A old versions Licence Free to try OS Support Windows Ranking 123 in File Managers.
Support of most kinds of removable media corrupted files recovery like floppy disk, CD, DVD, flash drive, digital camera memory card and more. Download Now BadCopy Pro is a floppy disk repair and cd data recovery tool to rescue corrupted or lost files from damaged floppy disk, CD-ROM/CD-R/CD-RW and any other local disks. Lost files recovery of common file types like documents, images, applications, and more. BADCOPY PRO FULL .EXE
exe extension of a file name displays an executable file. BadCopy Pro is the leading data recovery software for floppy disk, CD, DVD, memory card, Zip disk, USB flash drive and other storage media. Here, the entire full cycle of file recovery passes in semi-automatic mode.
Fully automatic data recovery process in just a few clicks! What is badcopy.exe badcopy.exe is an executable file that is part of BadCopy Pro developed by Jufsoft.The Windows 7 version of the software: is usually about 601072 bytes in size, but the version you have may differ. Badcopy Pro, unlike the UNERASE, it does not matter when files from the. Advanced and intelligent floppy disk recovery, CD and DVD data recovery, flash drive recovery and digital media recovery. BadCopy juga dapat menyimpan file-file yang terjebak di Flash Disk rusak atau Corrupt. Namun yang membedakan, ukuran BadCopy lebih kecil dari AnyReader. BadCopy Pro - BadCopy Pro is a floppy disk repair and cd data recovery tool to rescue corrupted or lost files from damaged floppy disk, CD-ROM/CD-R/CD-RW. CREATIVE COMMONS CORPORATION - Full text of Full Filing for fiscal. BadCopy Pro adalah software recovery untuk CD, DVD, Floppy, Kartu Memori, FlashDisk, dan media penyimpanan lainnya, BadCopy Pro ini cara kerjanya hampir sama dengan AnyReader Recovery. Creative Commons (CC) is an American non-profit organization and international network.